Our guidelines
Are collected for:
- Drop-in
- Registered programs
- Bookings and rentals
Must be paid in full at the time of purchase/registration/booking.
Can be processed:
- In person:
Harris Road Outdoor Pool
12460 Harris Road, Pitt Meadows, BC V3Y 2J5
T: 604-465-6121
E: harrisroadODP@recreationexcellence.com - Online: Registration Website
Can be made by:
- Cash
- Debit
- Visa
- Mastercard
Registration information
Recreation Excellence client account is required for:
- Registered programs
- Rentals
A registered program will:
- Have a predetermined age, activity, and/or skill level
- Have a predetermined session date, time, and location
- Require participants to register before the start of the class
- Require payment in full to confirm registration
- Not have make up dates or added additional dates for missed sessions
1 – Create your account
- Registration Website
- fill in required fields for family information, contact information, student information
2 – Register for swim lessons
- click on select class under the heading enroll in classes
- once preferred class is found, select it
- if you are registering another student select add another student and repeat the above process
- read over the required policies and check the box indicating you have read the above and agree and enter your name
- once this is complete, you can enter in your payment information and submit registration
Registration day
Some registered programs fill up quickly, to avoid disappointment, consider these tips:
- Make note of the posted registration day (date when the program registration opens)
- Registration opens at 9am PT on the posted date for each season
- Sign up for the notifications on the APP to receive reminders and never miss a registration date (coming soon)
- Registered program spots are limited and are filled on a first come, first served basis
- Registrations can be made online. All registrations are first come first served:
- Online: Registration Website
Withdrawals and refunds
Withdrawals and refunds can be processed when a participant requests to be removed from a registered program with more than 5 business days (Monday – Friday) prior to the lesson start date:
- A 10% withdrawal fee may be applied
- Withdrawals requested less than 5 business days (Monday – Friday) prior to the lesson start date will not be refunded
Withdrawals and refunds can be processed when a participant requests to be removed from a registered program due to injury or medical condition prior to the lesson start date:
- A physician’s letter must be provided within 2 weeks of notification of withdrawal for the refund/credit to be issued
- The 10% withdrawal fee will not be applied
Withdrawals requested after the lesson start date due to injury or medical condition will be prorated:
- A physician’s letter must be provided within 2 weeks of notification of withdrawal for the refund/credit to be issued
- The 10% withdrawal fee will not be applied
Transfers are processed when a participant request to be moved from one registered program to another registered program with more than 5 business days (Monday – Friday) prior to the lesson start date:
- Subject to availability
- Additional program registration fees may apply and are due at the time of the transfer
Transfers requested less than 5 business days (Monday – Friday) prior to the lesson start date may not be transferred or refunded.
Recreation Excellence reserves the right to cancel a program for reasons beyond our control. Recreation Excellence will notify registered program participants via phone and/or email. (Please ensure that your Recreation Excellence client account information is up to date). Refunds or account credits will be issued for courses cancelled by Recreation Excellence.
Facility rules
Admission policy
Please do not visit the facility if you are suffering from a flu, bacterial or viral infection, communicable disease, or severe skin condition. Stay at home if you are sick or have diarrhea. Wait 2 weeks after symptoms subside before returning to the facility.
Children under 7 years of age and those that can’t swim must be actively supervised (in the water, within arms’ reach) by a guardian 16+ years. Maximum of 2 children to 1 guardian.
Incontinent individuals, children under 3 and those not toilet trained must wear an approved swim diaper and plastic pool pants under their bathing suit.
Strollers are not permitted on the pool deck or in the changerooms.
Breastfeeding is permitted in all Recreation Excellence facilities, including the aquatic centre.
Men’s and Women’s change rooms are available. Children 7+ years are encouraged to use the change room of their gender identity.
Recreation Excellence does not accept or tolerate bullying and harassment under any circumstances. This policy applies to all Recreation Excellence employees, clients, guests, and contractors.
Recreation Excellence is committed to creating a business environment where respect for the individual is central. We believe that all our employees have the right to be treated with dignity and respect and we will strive to provide a workplace that is free of harassment and bullying. This policy has been developed to reflect the foregoing commitment, prevent improper conduct and behaviour, and encourage best practices to enable a safe and harmonious workplace.
All Recreation Excellence facilities are tobacco, alcohol, drug, and weapon free facilities (including but not limited to chew, cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and vaporizers). Possession of and/or consumption of alcohol, drugs, or weapons are strictly prohibited. Anyone suspected of being under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be refused entry and are grounds for immediate removal.
The use of profanity, offensive, or inappropriate language and/or explicit music are not permitted.
Covered plastic water bottles are encouraged. Glass water bottles and sunflower seeds are not permitted in the facility. Food and beverages are not permitted in the pool.
Shooting or throwing balls, rings, or other objects in the facility common areas or change rooms is not permitted.
Coaching, instructing, or leading a private or group activity during a public or drop-in session is not permitted. Coaches, instructors, and group leaders require express written approval from Recreation Excellence management at least 7 days prior to arriving at the facility.
Coaching, instructing, or leading a private or group activity during a public or drop-in session is not permitted. Coaches, instructors, and group leaders require express written approval from Recreation Excellence management at least 7 days prior to arriving at the facility.
Teams, groups and classes can access the assigned change room no more than 15 minutes before and are expected to be out of the change rooms 15 minutes after the scheduled pool time.
The group’s designated representative should:
- Conduct a change room inspection prior to letting the participants into the space. Notify the Recreation Excellence staff when problems or concerns are identified.
- Monitor the participants behaviours while using the facility and ensure compliance with all facility rules and sport organizations’ code of conduct
- Conduct a change room inspection after the last participant leaves and notify the Recreation Excellence staff when problems or concerns are identified
Athletes, coaches, leaders, and parents are expected to:
- Follow all Recreation Excellence rules and regulations
- Comply with the organization’s code of conduct policies
- Honour the Respect in Sport Agreement
- Dispose of trash in the nearest garbage receptacle
Outdoor footwear is not permitted in the changerooms or on the pool deck. Water sport specific footwear is permitted, provided they are not used outside the facility.
Aquatic swimwear
Guests are required to wear proper bathing attire that can include:
- A traditional one piece or two-piece swimsuit, swim trunks, swim shorts, or Bermuda shorts, or
- A modesty swimwear including full coverage suits with pants, long sleeve, tunic, head coverings and burkini, or
- A wetsuit, rash guard or surf shirt, or
- Clothing so long as:
- It is clean, and
- It is brought to the pool for the sole purpose of swimming, and
- It does not restrict movement in the water, and
- It is not made of denim.
Guests are welcome to bring personal equipment to the facility so long as it:
- Is cleaned and in good condition
- Is used safely as the equipment was intended to be used
Equipment not permitted:
- Infant/child water wings
- Infant neck rings
- Glass face masks
- Monofin or mermaid tails with an ankle strap
- Full coverage mask/snorkel combination
Most items found are kept for a maximum of 7 days prior to being donated to a local charity. Personal hygiene items such as undergarments, socks, hairbrushes, shampoo, conditioner, and soap are disposed of and not kept onsite. Valuable items such as watches, rings, necklaces, wallets, glasses, etc are logged and stored. All lost and found items must be claimed in person as staff are unable to confirm items over the phone. Recreation Excellence is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen property. Protect your belongings by leaving them at home.
Public – The use of any type of electronic recording equipment, including but not limited to, cell phones, cameras, video recorders, tablets, computers, etc is strictly prohibited in any of the change rooms within the facility.
Media – Media professionals are required to obtain permission from Recreation Excellence Management prior to accessing the facility or capturing any images or video content.
Animals are not permitted on premises unless they are a Certified Guide Dog or Qualified Service Dog. Both Certified Guide Dogs and Qualified Service Dogs that have been trained and tested have the right to access any location where the public is allowed. Please display your Service Dog ID Card to the Recreation Excellence customer service representative to obtain entry.
Please note: The guide or service dog is not permitted into the water but can remain poolside for the duration of the handler’s swim and like anyone acting inappropriately, a person may be refused access or asked to leave if they or their guide or service dog is disruptive.
Feet first entries only.
Dive and flips are not permitted at Harris Road Outdoor Pool as the pool is not deep enough for any sort of headfirst entries.
Approved monofins and mermaid tails (without an ankle strap) are permitted during public, swims provided the swimmer successfully completes the monofin and mermaid tail swim test. The skill test is required at each visit.
Monofin and mermaid tail swim test – Swimmers wishing to use a monofin or mermaid tail shall confidently demonstrate the following:
- Swim 25 metre in the shallow end, on front without the monofin or mermaid tail (while remaining at or near the surface)
- Jump into the deep-water and fully submerge head (without goggles), recover, and face the lifeguard while treading water at the surface for 20 seconds (keeping their head above the water)
- With monofin or mermaid tail on, swim 15 metre on front and then roll onto back and swim 15 metre
- With monofin or mermaid tail on demonstrate a quick release
*When the monofin and mermaid tail test is successfully performed with a PFD, the swimmer must always wear the PFD while using the monofin or mermaid tail.
*Not be worn on the pool deck.
*Not to be shared with other swimmers unless they’ve successfully completed the monofin and mermaid tail swim test.
Underwater breath holding and breath holding competitions are not permitted. Underwater swims are restricted to 15 metre.
Get moving. Jump in for a swim.